Revit Files // Efficiency Tailored for You

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Cheyenne High-Efficiency Condensing Boiler

Meet the new Cheyenne–one of the largest condensing boilers in the industry. For more information on the Cheyenne, visit the product page.

Shawnee Ds-Type Boiler

Check out the patented Shawnee Ds-Type Boiler. For more information on the Shawnee, visit the product page . To download the Revit* file, click on the desired size below. 

Denali D-Type Boiler

Check out the Denali D-Type boiler. For more information on the Denali, visit the product page. To download the Revit* file, click on the desired size below.

Ottawa O-Type Boiler

Check out the Shawnee Ds-Type Boiler. For more information on the Ottawa, visit the product page. To download the Revit* file, click on the desired size below. 

Huron Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG)

Check out the Huron Heat Recovery Steam Generator. For more information on the Huron, visit the product page. To download the Revit* file, click on the link below.

Iroquois Flextube Boiler

Check out the Iroquois Multipass Steam & Hot Water Boiler. For more information on the Iroquois, visit the product page. To download the Revit* file, click on the link below.

*The Revit files are based on the standard Superior Watertube boiler. The drawings are subject to change.*