The Hotel Mela is a modern boutique hotel with 230 guestrooms and suites centrally located right in New York City’s Times Square near the Theatre District. This sophisticated building was designed with a nod to both Italian and New York cultures. Guestrooms and suites offer all the comforts of home as well as state-of-the-art technology.
Throughout the hotel are references to the history of New York City. Artwork depicting some of the more famous landmarks adorn the hotel walls, such as Grand Central Station, Times Square, the Statue of Liberty, Brooklyn Bridge and Central Park. The hotel also has an exercise facility, an executive boardroom for meetings, and several large penthouse suites.
The Hotel Mela needed a new steam heating plant for some time and wanted something that was cost-effective, rugged, fit in a limited space, and was as efficient as possible. When they became interested in the modular concept, Triad’s steam boilers were introduced as an excellent fit. They chose to install six Series 900 Steam Boilers controlled by a Heat-Timer panel. Each boiler was fired by a dual fuel burner firing at 900 MBH.

Triad’s modular vertical configuration was the perfect fit for the rather small boiler room. The Triad Steamers replaced a large, very old boiler, and were easy to move into place, with all the controls wired and mounted. The dual fuel burners were mounted on the boilers after they were installed in place. Thus, the boilers did not have to be moved with the burners mounted. Rigging costs and onsite installation labor costs were kept at a minimum. Because the modular boilers are sequenced by a Heat-Timer control panel, only the minimum boilers are fired (based on outdoor reset). This has allowed the hotel to realize meaningful energy savings. No energy is wasted warming up one large, old, inefficient boiler, especially noticeable during fall and spring.
UPDATE: The boilers have been operating for six winters now and the hotel is quite pleased with the results. The Triad system has heated the facility well, while minimizing fuel costs.