Capacity: Up to 400,000 lb/hr
Fuel Capabilities:
General Description
The Superior Boiler Deaerator Systems are Complete Packaged Systems, designed, built and stamped in accordance with the ASME code for 50 PSIG.
- Structural Steal Stand
- Feed-pump(s) each with Suction
- Piping with Vortex Breaker, Shutoff Valve, Strainer, and flexible Connector. (Bypass Orifice(s) are supplied when required)
- High Temp Return (>227°F)
- Medium Temp Return (180°F – 227°F)
- Low Temp Return (<180°F)
- Self-Controlled Pilot Operating Steam Pressure Reducing Valve
- Mechanical Water Inlet Control Valve with External Float Cage
- Storage Section Thermometer
- Steam Section Pressure Gauge
- Water Inlet Pressure Gauge
- Full Height Water Sight Gauge(s)
- High Level Alarm Switch
- Low Level Alarm Switch
- Manual Vent Valve with Orifice
- Overflow Drainer
- Sampling Valve
- Full Capacity Pressure Relief Valve
- Vacuum Breaker
- Vessel Drain Connection
- NEMA 1 Control Panel
- Chemical Injection Quill
- 12″ x 16″ Manway
- Panel Mounted Gauges
- Constructed with all stainless steel direct contact internal vent condenser, all stainless steel adjustable spray valve(s) and a 10 minute minimum storage capacity.
- Standard Spray designs incrementally sized from 3,500 up to 400,000 lb/hr. Standard sizes will adequately cover most boiler sizes and operating pressures up to 250 psig. Larger sizes are available upon request.
Guaranteed Oxygen removal in excess of 0.005 cc/liter.
Guaranteed to eliminate titratable free carbon dioxide to 0.
Guaranteed to deaerate at all loads from 3% to 100% of rated capacity.
Guaranteed to heat water to corresponding temperature of the saturated steam contained within the vessel.