Engineered and
Built to Order

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Capacity: 10,000 - 300,000 lb/hr

Fuel Capabilities: Digestor Gas, Fuel Oil, Hydrogen, Natural Gas, Other Fuels

Steam Design Pressure: Up to 1,200 psig


General Description

The Denali is custom designed for firing either natural gas, oil, or solid fuel. The boiler’s convection bank tube spacing is designed for moderate gas velocities.


  • Superheated steam temperature up to 900°F with Convective superheater
  • Gas outlet configuration: left or right side
  • Available as a Modular Boiler System
  • Offered in the patented DFW design


  • Symmetrical furnace with a vertical flue gas exit which allows for a narrow footprint and a balanced center of gravity.
  • Typically fitted with a combustion chamber on the front end that allows the thermal energy created by solid fuel firing or a waste stream from another source to be used in conjunction with the “D” symmetrical furnace, vertical gas outlet and overall narrow width


100% Furnace water-cooled membrane wall construction
Air-tight full membraned front, rear, and side exterior walls
0.25″ thick membrane fin plate
All drilled drum holes are grooved
Minimum tube thickness exceeds ASME requirements:
– 0.105″ min. wall convection tubes
– 0.120″ min. wall furnace tubes
Economizer designed and built by Superior
All ladders and platforms are fit and bolted to boiler then disassembled for shipment


Packaged boilers are trimmed with necessary safeties and code piping and signed off on by code inspectors. Factory mounted and wired, proven and reliable packaged burners are available from your choice of burner manufacturer.

Our Problem Solvers Explain